Career Profile

I’m nearing the end of the academic chapter of my life. In the past year or so I’ve taken a particular interest in decentralized systems, which is what I hope to work with in the future.


Test Engineer

Summer of 2021

Wrote unit tests for SaaS to issue EUDCC Covid Certificates.

Power - Electricity and Volunteer Manager for Polhacks

2017 - 2018

Polhacks is an annual three day LAN-party and game festival held by UTN. For one year my main responsibilites included educating and managing ~40 volunteer workers and planning, procuring, and installing the equipment nessescary for powering hundreds of computers. Beyond my main responsibilities associated with my role, I had to assist my committee in other tasks such as hosting dinners for hundreds of people, procure sponsorships, hold tournaments, and more. This taught me valuable leadership and teamworking skills.


These are some projects that I've completed during my time at Uppsala University.

Neuroevolution for Automated Driving - Genetic algorithms for self-driving cars with spatial awareness in a simulated environment.
Carsbnb - A cross-platform mobile application written in Flutter for renting privately owned vehicles. Like Airbnb but for cars.
MATCH - MATCH is a software infrastructure that provides mechanisms for matching users requiring information or services with potential suppliers of such information or services. The primary goal of the MATCH system is to connect people to other people in the most effective way.
PartyZone - A cross-platform jukebox app that lets you create a kahoot-like session. People in the session can queue songs upvote and downvote songs, changing their position in the queue.


Here is my bachelor thesis.

  • A System for Creating, Sharing and Listening to Interactive Stories
  • Krister Emrén, Nicke Löfwenberg, Alexander Sellström

    Skills & Proficiency


    Dart and Flutter


    Typescript and Node


    HTML5 & CSS

    C# and Unity






    React Native and Expo